Reasons Your Budtender Hates You
The canna industry is a booming right now. Our country is legalizing marijuana at a record pace! Laws vary wildly from state to state. Here in DC and 11 states it's legal to buy and consume recreational marijuana. 33 other states have also approved medical marijuana. As cannabis becomes the mainstream here are a few quick insider tips and things to consider the next time you go to a cannabis dispensary so your bud tender doesn't hate you:
Mary and Main 8801 Hampton Mall Dr N, Capitol Heights, MD 20743
Please use the appropriate language. A medical dispensary is not your neighborhood block. Stop calling it weed and pot. Cannabis is for medicinal use so going to a medical dispensary is almost like a doctors office visit. Treat it as such. It’s a professional, judge free zone. Be honest with your bud tender/dispensary agent/patient care specialist about what you need and what you’re looking for.
Don’t flirt with your bud tender. The amount of men that try to holla is another post for another day but if you find someone attractive please remember they are at work! You can be cordial and even pay a respectful compliment without hemming them up in conversations about their personal life. Those never end well and it can make it awkward for you on the next visit.
Trust their suggestions. More than likely your bud tender is familiar with most of the products available. Even if they don’t personally use the products, they have valuable insight that comes other staff members, patient experience and feedback. If for some reason you don’t like something they offer you please be as specific as possible about what you don’t like so they can help you. Nothing is worst than know-it-all patients complaining about they didn’t like.
When it’s time to pay don’t ask for a discount. Again, a dispensary is a professional business not your block so stop trying to hustle for a deal. You don’t negotiate and haggle prices when you buy groceries or clothes so don’t do it at the dispensary.
These “tips” might seem like basic etiquette but you’d be surprised at what bud tenders encounter on an everyday basis.